Veterinary Hospital/Clinic
Ultrasound Prep Sheet
What is Ultrasound?
Ultrasound (also known as a sonogram) is a safe, effective and painless imaging modality veterinarians utilize when they need to take a closer look at your pet’s internal organs. We are looking at the size, shape, and architecture of the internal organs for various signs of diseases that include but are not limited to inflammatory, infectious, degenerative diseases and/or cancer. There are limits to what ultrasound can detect so additional diagnostics could be necessary.
Before the Appointment
No food the morning of the appointment. Imaging your pet with an empty stomach helps to better see the organs we need to see, allowing for a complete and diagnostic exam. A small amount of food (<1 teaspoon) can be used to administer medications. (See below)
Patient Drop-Off
Pet owners are not permitted to be present for the ultrasound due to insurance liability. Please coordinate a drop-off time with your veterinarian a few hours before your scheduled appointment so that they can properly prepare for the procedure.
During the Appointment
The area to be examined will be shaved to allow for best imaging. Light sedation is typically used to reduce anxiety and to make your pet as comfortable and relaxed as possible. A relaxed body wall greatly improves the quality of the images acquired during the ultrasound.
Sampling of tissue with a “skinny” needle is only done if indicated by the sonographer and in consultation with your veterinarian. Sampling helps to look at the cells of the tissue that is sampled so that among other things we can differentiate things like cancer from things that only LOOK like cancer.
After the Appointment
The images are then evaluated and discussed with your veterinarian regarding findings, diagnosis, additional steps and treatments. The staff will then call you when your pet is ready to be picked up.